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Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal Act (Wales)

ALN in Wales is changing following the implementation of the ALN Act. The implementation of the Act is an opportunity to modernise and work towards integrated working between local authorities (LAs), further education institutions (FEIs), early years settings and health boards, building on some excellent practice already in place. 
By focusing on agreed needs and planned activity to meet those needs, the new system aims to improve outcomes for learners with ALN.  
The vision and principles of the Act also support improving the capacity and capability of educational settings to create rich and inclusive learning environments that enable learners to engage fully, participate in decisions and feel a sense of belonging.  
From September 2021 until September 2024 the duties of the new Act and Code will be introduced in a phased way.  During this time the duties under the Education Act 1996 will also remain in place for those cohorts of learners with special educational needs (SEN) to which it applies.
Please read the attached Fact sheet produced by Welsh Government regarding the Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal Act (Wales). 

If you need any further information please contact Mrs Davies for Nursery-Year 2 pupils and the Resource Base and Miss Kingston for Year 3-Year 6.

Link to the Vale of Glamorgan website outlining Additional Learning Needs: